Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jonah sneeking some chocolate

So we were at Aunt Kate and Uncle J's house the other weekend. I put Jonah down in a room to take his nap. I would walk by every once in a while to check that he was ok. So I walked by and peeked in. I noticed that he was sitting up and just hanging out. So I walk away. Then I thought, "That's so weird that he didn't even react to me when I poked my head in." So I went back to take a closer look. Here is what I found:


bjzen said...
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bjzen said...

What I cutie - we love keeping track of everyone via the blogs!!

Aunt Barb/Uncle John

Katie said...

I know it's so wrong... but I LOVE that he did that! It's a great story to tell him in front of his first girlfriend! hehe!

Becca Lame said...

It's when they are quite that you have to worry the most!! :-)

bethany said...

Hey lady! My mom just got a letter that had your blog address on it so here I am. My blog is private so email me and I'll send you an invite. Looks like you all are doing well. I already checked out your parents and Jason's blogs. Send their addresses too if they want to see!

bethany said...

Hey lady! My mom just got a letter that had your blog address on it so here I am. My blog is private so email me and I'll send you an invite. Looks like you all are doing well. I already checked out your parents and Jason's blogs. Send their addresses too if they want to see!

bethany said...

Ok duh. I didn't leave my email. you expect anything else?