Thursday, July 17, 2008

FInally...Jonah's 1st cookie!

After nearly two long years of keeping Jonah away from sweets (as best we know those aunts and uncles...) Jonah got his first cookie. I gave him a burnt one in hopes that he would hate it and never want one luck. He loved it. And threw a huge temper tantrum when it was gone...

4th of July

As usual, the day started off with the boys "Pier to Pier" bike ride. I think this year it was San Clemente Pier to Newport Pier, around 30 miles. And, FYI, Scotty is definately wearing my shorts.

Next, Grammy and Jonah get ready for the beach.
We decided this year to just stay in Newport and hang out at the beach. Parking is ridiculous and it makes it a nightmare to drive anywhere the entire weekend. So we road our bikes all weekend and hung at the beach.
Ryan met us at the beach and dug Jonah a hole so that we could just put him in there and he couldn't get out. It makes it alot easier to relax at the beach....ok, just kidding!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ryan's 26th Birthday!

We had a great week celebrating Ryan's birthday this year! The highlight was the birthday bbq Ping Pong Tournament Bash at the Bodies' house...Ryan got a Ping Pong table for his birthday so the guys spent all night in the garage playing this huge ping pong tournament.

While the rest of us became obsessed with Rock Band. It is the funnest game ever, and who knew it was such a workout being a rock star?

Of course we had to have a ping pong paddle cake. Although, Ryan made the small mouse next to the ball and he stole the show. I spent all day making this cake, but the only thing that got noticed was the little mouse. What can you do?