Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Down By The River Trip

We went to Laughlin last weekend with Ryan's family! We had a blast. The road trip out was awesome. We were stuck in construction traffic for 45 minutes, not moving. In 123 degree heat. I loved it. We went to Palm Springs first and stayed one night in an amazing resort so that Ryan could visit some accounts. Here is a pic of the sunset in palm springs.
Jonah did great on the ride out there...
Evidence of the seriousness of the heat wave...what the?????
Here is Jonah and Max...they were so cute together! They were inseperable and had so much fun together!
Here is a view from our hotel room in Laughlin...
Jonah loved hanging out on the river....he was a little afraid of the jetskis at first, but he came around...
Ryan and Jonah floating on the river...

Ron took us water skiing on his boat and it was so much fun! It was a little scary though, with how crowded the river was. We didn't get any pictures of us water skiing though....
To beat the heat, we went bowling one day. It was hilarious!

Here is Jonah and grandma at the bowling alley...

Even Jonah did some bowling!

Here is the rare picture of Ryan...i had to get him in here since he is the photographer of the family and is never in any pictures...he even took this pic himself...

1 comment:

Janet said...

123 degrees!! That is insane!! But looks sooo fun!