So we took our first family vacation, a roadtrip from the OC to San Fransisco! It was a blast! We loaded practically our entire lives into the huge Sambazon van and headed north on PCH. The first day we drove all day up to Morro Bay and stayed at the most amazing hotel, we had our own private jacuzzi!
The next day we continued driving north and made it to Half Moon Bay. The drive was beautiful! The waves were huge, and I loved how we were on such huge cliffs.

So we kept on going on the third day up to San Fransisco. What a great time. We all loved the city.

My parents came and picked me and Jonah up while Ryan stayed in the city to work.

Ryan met us back at my parents' house on Thursday night and on Friday we all went snowboarding, our favorite. We also took Jonah sledding on a trash can lid, awesome! Saturday we went mountain biking around the lake and drove back home on Sunday. What a great trip.